On several occasions our daughter has been with me in the car when I’ve had a “crazy spell.” So, now on this journey to become stirred not shaken, she’s the one watching me pretty closely. Thank the Lord I traumatized…
You Can Run, But You Can Not Hide
Starting my garden weeding early in the cool morning, is good for this ol’gal. When I get overheated, I get a headache that will last all day. Finishing up the other morning, I decided to sit under the umbrella drinking some H2O. I…
Walk of Shame
Waking in the morning after being up all night, leaves one feeling well….hung-over. It’s been awhile now since my nightlife changed from partying all night, waking up in strange places, or never going to sleep to…. being up all night listening…
Taking the High Road!
Yesterday, behind the wheel of my car I let my emotions get a little “whacked” and forgot that the other motorist may be enduring something exceptionally hard in their life at this time. Giving seemingly stupid driver’s the benefit of the doubt…
Easy Summer Salad
When Hubs texts me “what’s for supper” I love to mess with him by texting back “veggies.” He is all about protein and dislikes vegetables. He was surprised by the flavor in this summer salad. Not only packed with flavor…
Simple Cucumber Salad
Keeping it simple for lunch today, but not trading in the flavor! Using organic cucumbers, celery seeds, dried chives, onion salt and dill along with a splash of vinegar and oil and pinch of sugar!! Of course everything is better…
How Do I Live, Without You
The morning brings a slightly sultry breeze. The patio cushions are drenched and I fear they may never dry out. I sit on a folded towel sipping my coffee. My mood today is somber. Watching the tweet’s, to my pleasure I view a…
If You Only Knew
Nothing thrills me better than a cool crisp morning, when I slip on a hoodie, grab my steaming cup of java and step out onto the patio. My senses become alive pretty quickly as I “sit’n’sip” watching the sun sneak…