Email me a picture of your favorite coffee mug. I will choose three winners; Cutest,Funniest,and Most Unique Drawing held Jan 31st. Winner’s will get their favorite COFFEE as their prize!!!!
Category: Uncategorized
I Only Had Two
Typing from the kitchen table this morning. Um I ain’t no fool. It’s 10 degrees outside. I kissed Hubs goodbye, pulling his jacket hood up over his almost bald head. Oops did I just type that!? My mind hasn’t been…
I Do Wear Clothes….sometimes
Brrrrr….. I love cold weather. However, if our daily fluctuating temps keep happening, I will have to knit the tweets some sweaters. Watching them peck at the feeder this morning, made me shiver. They are so tiny, and doesn’t look…
Skeptic or Mourner?
As I sip’n’read all the New Year’s resolutions, I understand good intentions. Those who are silent could be nursing their 2013 failure to keep resolutions, or they could be skeptical over setting new ones for 2014. Are you a skeptic…
Hand in Hand
Admitting that I need help with something is a big deal for me. It’s even bigger for that wonderful man I’m married to. I think, the more the merrier! If I’m going to work hard at something, why not include…
Linger In The Moment
Waking early I want to catch the sunrise on the beach. As I walk the path leading to the ocean, in the distance I can hear the waves slapping the shore. The walking path is soft and there is a…
Nov Winner!!
Who would of thought there are places in the world without internet access, and I’d be there during a time I needed to post our winner!! Now that I’m home ….the winner is………D.Springer from VB!!!!! Thank you for reading and…
November Drawing
You still have time! Leave a comment on your favorite post, past or present and your name goes in for a chance at winning two Google Play cards $10 each. These would make great gifts!! Drawing will be Nov 27th…