Waking this morning to the faint smell of earthy smoked firewood, brings a smile as I remember last night’s lounging by the fireplace. As I held my Gbaby, we cuddled in a heavy yet soft razorback blanket. As my fingers…
Category: Uncategorized
Let’s See Your Mug/January Contest
Okay ya’ll the 31st is fast approaching! But there’s still time to get those “mug shots” in! Email me a picture of your favorite coffee mug: juliemahan63@yahoo.com Three winner’s will be picked; Cutest, Funniest, and Most Unique. Winner’s will receive…
A Season of Life
As the sun climbed over the rooftops this morning, it touched the frost dazzling like diamond dust. Again, my body stayed in bed when I heard the clock announce that I should “rise and shine”. My mind wandered all night…
Try Being Me
For some being the only person dressed in jeans in a room full of suits and dresses could leave you feeling awkward. You may even experience anxiety. Attending a party, realizing you’re the only single there can leave a knot…
I’ve Heard That Before
Over the years there are several sayings, speeches, teachings, phrases, and opinions that I have heard over and over again. When one lives as long as I have hearing new things will become less, unless I search them out. Hearing…
Acting Ugly
My morning started off with a stressful situation, and I was already having a stressful dream before I woke up. My reaction to the stress, was less than perfect. “Guess my sugar was low”. I needed to eat. While I…
It’s “None Ya”
Have you ever heard the phrase “None Ya”? It refers to “none of your business”. While hanging out with my daughter and two very good friends, the subject of lying and liars came up. I boldly stated that when I…
Facebook Issues
Still working out the facebook issues. I hope to get them fixed today.