Why Would You Say That!?

Reflecting today, on something a lady shared with me the other day. When she was in her teenage years, trying to decide on a career her mother said “don’t be a counselor, there is no money in that kind of work.”…

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When It Hurts to Move….

I might be the only crazy girl outside on this icy morning before the sun comes up, but somehow I doubt that. I watched Hubs through the window the garage light breaking the dark as he heartily scrapped off the ice…

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I Do My Best to Love

Stepped outside this morning with steaming cup in hand. The frosty air cut quick. I stretched and took in a good breath, bringing clarity to my mind and soul, then I high tailed it back inside. Opening my bible this morning, I…

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Laugh Until You Cry

One thing my dysfunctional clan does right is laughing til we cry. Well the kids and I anyway can get out of control silly pretty quickly. Hubs, not so much. Remember these are grown adult kids. I hope they never…

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A House Divided

Starting the morning, he chugs a diet coke and I sip a vanilla coffee. First thing in the door after work, he turns on the TV and sits down on the couch and I change clothes then start supper. Everyday he…

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It’s All Good

Warming my cold hands on a cup of hot tea this morning as I read over my prayer list. I actually got out of bed before 10 a.m. Seems lately that on my days off from work all I want…

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