I’m Not Totally Marriage Material

I’m secretly hoping that Hubs skips reading this blog entry….”shhhh don’t tell him.” It’s not everyday that a wife wants to admit a flaw in herself, that could contribute to the “other half” getting a big head. I honestly don’t…

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Whatever It Takes

I remember a time when a summer rain left the whole earth smelling fresh and clean. Lately, you mention rain and folks make a face, as we’ve received a lot of it during our spring and now summer months. When…

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All week, I have reflected on and thanked God for the women in my life. As you read this know that you are prayed for and held in high esteem. I wasn’t always so loving towards all females in my life.…

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I Want A Monday Kind of Love

Don’t you just love Mondays?! Especially a rainy Monday?! I can seriously see your eyes rolling and hear that sarcastic half laugh coming out of your mouth! I am now smiling from ear to ear. For people recovering from hurts, habits…

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I Don’t Wanna!

Again, another morning where I didn’t want to get out of bed. No sipping from a mug on the patio, conversing with God, enjoying nature and cooler temps. Instead procrastinating rising up, and heading to work. Do you have days…

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