
Alarm Meet Discipline

As the alarm sang it’s unnerving song this morning, I got up right away. First time in quite awhile. Going to bed before 9pm is a requirement for getting out of bed by 5am, otherwise all day long I’m not worth a hoot! I also hit the hay past 10pm and then hit the snooze ten times in the morning, until I’m late and not worth a hoot!

This morning is different. The results of the morning will be different. Galatians 6:7-8 say that I shouldn’t be deceived, that God cannot be mocked, and a man reaps what he sows. So if I continue to keep an unbalanced sleeping schedule, I will at some point teeter off my daily schedule, and get behind. Also, if I continue to “overdose” on the weekends on sugar, and fats while lounging I can expect to continue having a weight problem. Paul goes on to say in Galatians that when we please our flesh we will reap destruction, but if we sow to please the Spirit we will reap eternal life.

And so it goes in our daily lives……we reap what we sow. We cannot expect amazing decreases in our weight by eating two and three pieces of pizza, while washing it down with a diet coke. Nor can we fit everything into our day by hitting the snooze. If we can fit it all in, we spend the day rushed and anxious.

Join me as I start again, by starting each night hitting the hay before 10pm and not hitting the snooze ten times in the morning!! The benefits will be life changing!!

2 thoughts on “Alarm Meet Discipline

  1. I just love this…it really speaks to me. Not so much about wakkng in the morning but about pleasing the flesh. With my unhealthy eating habits and couch potato ways I have reaped a sadly destroyed garden full kf overwwight and unhealthy. It’s the same with smoking, why would anyone want to treat their soul so badly. I will have to think about that.

  2. I have found that if I just jump out of bed (well jump may not be the right word) when the alarm goes off I feel much better than trying to fit in those few more minutes of sleep between the snooze alarm.. that lesson did take awhile for me to figure out though.
    Now just to get the discipline down with the whole food/weight thing! 🙂

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