Yesterday was National Siblings Day. FB and social media was buzzing with cute, sentimental and meaningful quotes, pictures, messages and memorials. It’s great to bring attention to the love you have for your siblings and it’s fun, especially those embarrassing photo’s from your childhood that some share! But not all siblings or families get to appreciate or celebrate this day, some would rather skip it.
For me this year brings a sweeter meaning, as two of my siblings have kept in closer contact. My heart still longs for a connection with the other two but for now, they stay close to my heart in prayer.
Not all family dynamics look the same, but I am encouraged when I see strong, close, sibling relationships. My heart grieves with those who have lost siblings, and I trust that the Lord is continually healing their pain and refreshing their minds with good memories. My heart also grieves for the families torn apart by conflict. While these things also happen to adult siblings, there seems to be more young people out there today feeling lost, hurt and lonely. They seek acceptance, love and kinship, they could use some encouragement in their home life, school or work situations and in their faith walk….we all know life is hard. These [bctt tweet=”young people are our future!” username=”@juliemahan63″] Jesus has a heart for children and he mentioned this in Matthew 19:14 Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” we need to follow his example and not ignore our next generation.
I hope you’ll join me…and do something meaningful for a child or teen over the next few weeks. Seek one or several out on purpose, with a kind gesture or gift. Let them know that you see them, that they matter….and then pray daily for them.
Jesus…show us how to love like you do, seeing each other as family. Help us to live purposely, speaking truth and love into the lives of our young people….and giving us patience with them reminding us we were young once. In Jesus name Amen.