The morning is still dark, the coffee isn’t. I am again cutting back on caffeine, so this morning cup is mostly half’n’half with a splash of vanilla. Sipping in my almost lit art room, my sips are more like gulps. There are words to be written and shared. This week leading up to Easter always brings great reflection for me. Not that I don’t have my savior on my mind every day of the month, but more so on this week and the week after. As I rose this morning I turned my bible to Matthew 20. I am always encouraged to read about Jesus and the relationship he had with his twelve disciples. He took every opportunity to teach them valuable life lessons as they spent time together. As a parent I of adult children, I now think harder on this and revisit back to the days when they were growing up. I missed the boat a time or two on teaching them life lessons as I dealt with life issues. I think it’s even safe to say that most of the time I took a train and never even jumped on the boat! Being caught up in the current stress, strife, or conflict I held little regard for those little ears listening. My circle involved Hubs because those moments almost always involved him, my current employment situation, a challenging co-worker or stress from a family/extended family conflict. As I reacted to my current situation’s there were times I failed to realize the little eyes watching, were learning how to handle their future situations.
One endearing reflection yet, missed opportunity was when my little son of nine yelled at me from the TV room “hey woman, get me a coke!” recognizing immediately that he was mimicking his father, I chuckled a little and took him a coke. I kissed him on the forehead, and spoke softly with a grin that daddy was the only one allowed to call me woman.
While this endearing moment is a treasure I hope I never forget, I cringe inside now at some of the things my adult son says to me. It ain’t all that cute when they grow up. To me, I missed the boat a few times on those moments of teaching respect, and even expecting respect. While this one situation is a fond one, there were many times I let my family say whatever they wanted to, so that the lines of communication were open. Clearly, I read the wrong parenting books back then!
I’m reminded in Matthew 20:17 that the twelve were always around Jesus and the rest of the chapter he took ever moment captive to teach them and the circumstances were stressful and intense but he kept reacting so that they could learn.
Today, I hope you with little ones will just be extra aware that while you are handling things that don’t really involve your littles…they are watching and listening…use those moments to teach.
God, while we are blessed to be parents/grandparents and treasure each moment with them, give us wisdom and eyes to see the opportunities to teach them valuable life lessons. In Jesus name Amen.