
You Have My Permission

On a warm sunny afternoon (even in the winter), if you’ll look over my privacy fence you just might see me ____?

So now, I know you’ll be talking about me behind my back. I’ve just given you a lil something to talk about. You may or may not know me, but I promise there is more to this “one liner story” than you’re reading here.

It’s okay you have my permission …go ahead and talk. I’ve been talked about before by co-workers, friends, family and neighbors. In the past I let it bother me, but now I don’t.
Here’s what has changed; I give my permission and I finally come to accept the realization that every person who can speak…will. By giving my permission I cannot be offended by the fact that, you’re talking about me when I’m not around. It is not my intention to say, do, or write anything to hurt, offend or irritate you, or to wear an outfit that isn’t flattering to my overly round figure. But just because I didn’t intend it doesn’t mean that it you won’t  take it that way..…and after all people will talk.

If you have experienced others talking about you behind your back, or if you’ve been the one talking, then I hope this post will shed some new light on an age old subject.

I hope you’ll join me ….and give your permission to be talked about, realize and accept that people will talk, and make up your mind to not be offended…even before anything is ever said. Try to live a life that is honorable, of good character and be non-judgmental. “Don’t give ‘em somethin to talk about.”

A little wisdom for those doing the talking, before your mouth opens to vent or comment;
1. Know the whole story; see the whole picture… before you speak. ” Get ALL the facts Jack!”
2. Ask yourself, if what you are about to say will harm or help yourself, the person you’re talking to or the person you’re talking about? “Keep it classy.” “Check yourself before you wreck yourself.”
And for further wisdom, I turn my bible to the book of Proverbs where I find many relatable verses….about foolish talk and chatter.

“Father, teach me how to effectively communicate, and open the hearts of those around me that they may receive me well. Let us not waste our days with chatter that doesn’t matter but let all our conversations revolve around you and bring you glory. In Jesus name Amen.”


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