
A Lullaby Just for You

When sleep won’t come, and my pillow cannot cradle my heavy head loaded down with prayers, concerns and dreams to be dreamt. I put in my ear buds allowing the soft familiar tunes of old time hymns to find their way into my brain. Their sweet hopeful melody pushes out all of life’s confusion, and heals the wounded areas of my heart. After awhile even my ipad goes to sleep and during the night I mindlessly take the ear buds out without missing a Zzzz.
The Lord knows just what I need, when I need it. He really knows me better than I know myself. How special I am to him that he whispers words of comfort through the music of his servants. How adored I am that he wraps me in his love as warm, soft blankets cover me. And when the morning comes, he presents to me his beloved, a new day. When I rise, the song on my lips gives him glory and praise all day long.

When you find yourself unable to sleep, heavy with life’s burdens I hope you’ll join me and turn on those hymns.

“Savior, lead us into deep sweet sleep, where the heaviness of life’s challenges cannot find room to linger. Refresh our minds, clear our vision so that we may follow you and praise you all day long. In Jesus name Amen.”



2 thoughts on “A Lullaby Just for You

  1. I love hymns. I miss finding them on the radio in my truck. But I hardly ever need help falling asleep. It would be lovely to listen to hymns to get there, though. 🙂

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