
Look Inside Your Home and Share Your Story

The morning was about over, the hot tea had all been consumed, the sink was filled with last nights dirty dishes but then I rolled up my sleeves and dug in! It’s not very attractive to tell this story but it’s real life inside our home.

Telling stories of what goes on in our home is one of the ways I bring glory to the Lord. The other night I spoke to a group of women and made a confession about a recent “temper tantrum” I threw in front of Hubs. It is true that I am on a journey of becoming free from these negative emotions such as anger, selfishness, bitterness, grief, resentment, shame and guilt along with my habits of emotional eating and shopping….but… remember it’s a journey, I haven’t arrived yet. If you find yourself in any of these or other habits or negative emotions then I hope to inspire, encourage, challenge and invite you, to join me on this journey, and to share your story with others.

When I told the women of my speed bump/tantrum I asked two things from them…prayer and forgiveness. I explained that before, the tantrum I had been bragging in my spirit of how I’d not had an angry tantrum in a very long time; note my pride. Telling them, I related my experience with how the devil can take a tiny pinch of pride and bite you with it! When he bit me, the heel of my stomping foot made a huge hole in our bedroom wall. In the past Hubs would have fueled my fire with blaming comments, or shut down by walking off and I would have continued with being mad the rest of the night. But because of the journey, I calmed quickly which enabled me to hear the spirit inside me whisper “selfishness and pride” which ignited my humble response of apology and Hubs’ gentle accepting response by hugging and kissing me. Something beautiful came from something ugly….why? Because we choose to follow God on this journey and not the one who aims to kill, steal and destroy. The story is….the devil didn’t get the final say!

Inside, every home is a story or stories. I firmly believe that when these are shared in a positive manner, they can benefit both the teller and the listener.

Your story is worth hearing…I hope you’ll join me… and share it!

If you’d like some encouragement in blogging or journaling please contact me at juliemahan63@yahoo.com

“Father, even in our weakest moments you offer us an escape….may we always be looking and listening. Give us strength to attack the roots of our negative emotions, so that we don’t give the devil a chance to bit us. May we have courage to share our experiences with others so as to bring you glory and to benefit those in need. In Jesus name Amen.”


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