
What’s That Smell?

Upon rising, coffee in hand I ventured outside. Walking to the end of the sidewalk I got a whiff of something foul. Unsure of where it was coming from I did a little investigating. After a few minutes, I decided our trash cans that were placed on the far other side of the house were reeking. I didn’t realize that what I had thrown out would give off such a sickening stench. I also didn’t double bag it.

Since it wasn’t trash day, the cans remained by the side of the house. Every time we came and went from our cars in the drive, we would hold our noses. Nobody dilly dallied out there but came quickly into the house. It wasn’t long until the garage and utility room started to take on this disgusting smell.

The trash had to go! It was permeating it’s whole surroundings.

Very much like a BAD MOOD.

When your mood is foul, it causes others to ask “what’s that smell?”.

Something bad went into the trash can. The elements of the weather, the passing of days, all mixed with improper disposal built up an unbearable problem.

What are you allowing to build up within yourself? Anger, resentment, hurt, un-forgiveness, irritability, selfishness, disappointment?

Are you surrounded by a stench coming from the bad mood of a loved one, co-worker or friend?

Expect it to stink.

We are all far from perfect and positive all day everyday.

Prepare yourself.

Keep communications clear, simple and sweet.

Take out the trash.

If you can’t fix it, then face it it’s trash, put it on the curb and walk away before those around you start asking “what’s that smell”?




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