Evening came and went before I could make it outside to enjoy the cooler temps. Truth is when you binge watch an old television series there is little time left to do anything else. Two days have passed and I’ve not cleaned house, written anything or exercised. Well, I take that back a couple times during my fixation on the screen I stood and stretched, squatted and walked in place. I’m pretty sure I have recliner hair and ranch dip on my shirt!
Once in awhile, one needs to just vegetate. I just realized it was this time last year when I binged watched another old series. Oh good, it’s just a seasonal thing. Whew! You see I’m not a lover of TV and rarely watch it. Usually, I am busy cleaning, writing, reading my bible, painting, playing with my grandchild or as you know sittin’on the Patio conversing with God and creepin’his handi-work!
I still have a few seasons left to watch, but now my desire is fading. Maybe, I’ve had my fill but, if I stop I won’t find out what happens!
As I head to bed I can hear the crickets outside my window calling me to slumber. Tomorrow, when I rise I will set higher goals. I’d better or Hubs may trade me in on a more efficient model.
Won’t you join me!?
Lord, better is one day in your presence than thousands elsewhere. In Jesus name Amen.
Confessions of A Distracted Housewife

I can so relate. It’s sucks how easy it is to sit and watch your favorite tv series and say, “ok, after this ONE episode I’ll get up and start getting stuff done,” and 8 episodes later….yeah I’m still there..in the same spot..on the couch. Praise God for His unfailing mercy and grace!