
When You Can’t Please Either Crowd

Sitting in the movie theater last night little did I know that I would hear something profound, and then come home to read a little bible before bed and read exactly what I heard earlier. The just of the line that Tom Hanks said was “don’t worry about what other people think, you know what you did.”

Getting settled into bed, pillow propped and my bible open I was looking for a certain passage. Old gals like me have to search awhile as my memory at times has checked out, but honestly I’ve never had an excellent memory, which has made learning very hard for me.  I’ve heard some say that I am lazy, and a few that I am not very smart. Regardless of what others said, my lack of good memory made it harder to finish college so I chose to not further my education. I also had started running with the “wrong crowd.” It was easier to please them and I had developed an attitude regarding the “right crowd” that I didn’t care what they thought. Well, until a situation would arise and I was confronted with what was said about me, and then I would break down and cry. I eventually got out of the wrong crowd, and developed some tough skin. Seriously, people are going to stare and share their opinions out loud til the end of time regardless of what crowd they are in.

When I couldn’t find what I was searching for in the bible, I came to rest on Mary and Joseph’s story in Matthew 1:24. Here is the perfect example of a guy running with the right crowd, doing the right thing but it’s very possible he was stared at, talked about and maybe even questioned. I’m going to guess that some of those people didn’t even believe his story. In the commentary portion under the verses in my study bible, it reads; Joseph obeyed God and proceeded with the marriage plans. Although others may have disapproved of his decision, he went ahead and did what he knew was right.

Where does your decision’s come from….yourself or God? Are you affected by what either crowd says about you?

Join me today….as we make the choice to stick with something we know is right, even when it’s hard, and let’s worry more about what God thinks and less about what man thinks regarding our decision’s.

“Lord, we look to you for guidance. Keep us steadfast as we take our stand following your truth. Surround us with those who are seeking your way but are honest when they fail, prick our hearts to do what is right. In Jesus name amen.”


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