
Plan A or Plan B?

Even I, who loves winter am questioning, and curiously amazed by, all of the snow Buffalo, New York is getting. Part of these emotions are brought on by the fact that it isn’t even Thanksgiving yet, but mostly because I experienced being “snowed in” a few winter;s in Illinois. As a child it seemed “magical.”  But my parents we mostly prepared for the occasional snowstorm. However, now as a “mid-lifer” living in the South, I have slightly less romantic feelings about being snowed in…. without a generator. But I do have some firewood!

Stepping outside here this morning, the air has a sharp bite to it. Just enough to make one’s lips rumble “brrrr”. Coffee that isn’t in an insulated cup doesn’t stand a chance at staying hot long. The back up plan is to, sit’n’sip inside today.

Isn’t the unpredictable in life inevitable? When it happens if we aren’t prepared, it can leave us “snowed in”. We can’t always be totally prepared for the unexpected, but we can have a plan, and hopefully a plan B and possibly a C. But what then?

Opening my bible this week, I have lingered in the books announcing the miracle birth of Jesus. Talk about the unexpected! Now think about it a minute, a virgin being with child. Even to Mary, a girl who had somewhat of a plan and training to become at some point  a wife, a mother, a homemaker, this news delivered from an Angel, had to of snowed her in! And when her betrothed heard the news he came up with a plan but, after hearing God’s plan via winged messenger Joseph’s plan changed to God’s plan. Whew! good thing!

We can have all our plans ready to implement when needed, and we should definitely use the common sense God gave us for our own good. However, HIS plan is perfect, HIS way is the right way, and the end results will be the best.

Our first winter here in the South, I made sure all my vehicles were packed with a blanket, shovel, and ice scraper which made my family and neighbors laugh. Even now sending Hubs out to work, I go through the check list of hat, gloves, etc….

Join me today, and be ready to listen and follow Gods plan above our own.


1 thought on “Plan A or Plan B?

  1. It never hurts to be over prepared, huh?! Being still enough to hear God’s plan is something I struggle with.. or do I even slow down long enough to think about Plan B or C??
    Got me thinking today (as usual)!

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