At the end of the day, what really matters?
At the end of your life, what really matters?
A LEO family lives with the fear of the un-known every day. How we face that fear is what matters.
What doesn’t matter is, if the trash gets taken out before he leaves for work. Even if it’s the 100th time he’s left it.
What matters is, how we react to him leaving the trash.
While there never should be excuses made for a spouse’s neglect, and abuse should never be tolerated, there is a difference between what matters and what doesn’t.
Changing our reactions, honestly can bring about some change in their actions when consistently applied. God does work miracles, yet there are some people who will never change.
Changing our reactions, changes us. Choosing to concentrate on what matters, and what doesn’t, changes us.
Ultimately at the end of our day, our focus should still be on ourselves and our reactions, it is the only thing we can control, it is our choice.